"The Beauty of Every Season"
"The Beauty of Every Season"
From the Founder, Kathe'rine
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about seasons lately. How different they all are, but how every one of them has a purpose. Some of them feel like they don’t belong together—like summer’s warmth doesn’t quite fit with winter’s chill—but maybe that’s the point. Sometimes, certain seasons are better apart. And just like that, our own journeys and healing don’t always fit into other people’s expectations.
I want to tell you something I’ve learned: your value doesn’t come from whether or not other people see it. Trust me, I’ve been there. Before all this happened to me, I didn’t fit the idea of "beautiful" that people usually go for. I didn’t look like the models or celebrities we’re constantly shown. But here's the thing—my beauty isn’t for anyone else to define. It’s something that’s mine, and it comes from a place deeper than just appearances.
Just like the seasons, we don’t need to look or be the same to have value. Some of us have been through harsh winters that feel endless, but spring always comes. And maybe someone else’s season doesn’t look like yours right now, but that’s okay. Your worth isn’t tied to what anyone else thinks of you or whether they understand your journey.
So, as we sit here and talk, I just want you to remember that no matter what season you’re in, you have a purpose. Just like every season brings its own beauty, you bring something special to this world, too. It might not look like anyone else’s version of beauty or worth, but that doesn’t make it any less real. You’re here for a reason, and your value is more than what others see.
So take a breath, and give yourself the grace to embrace your own season, knowing it’s just as important as any other. You are enough, just as you