Creating New Memories: How to Build Happiness in Your Life

Feb 23, 2025

Creating New Memories: How to Build Happiness in Your Life

Hey there,

As we continue reflecting this month, I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that often gets overlooked—creating new memories. When we’ve been through difficult times, especially as survivors of sexual assault, we can often find ourselves carrying the weight of the past with us. For some, this may include memories of painful experiences or times when we didn't receive the love or care we deserved.

But here’s the thing: it’s never too late to create new memories—memories that fill your heart with joy, comfort, and peace. And I truly believe that taking the time to create new happy moments is not only good for your heart but it’s vital for your mental health too.

If you didn’t grow up with the experiences or happy moments you wish you had, or if the past year has been tough, now is the perfect time to start. You can create moments that will become part of your legacy—moments that remind you you’re worthy of joy, no matter what you’ve been through.


Start by Creating Happy Moments for the Future

One thing I love to do is take pictures, whether it’s something beautiful I see outside or just a simple moment of joy I experience during my day. These pictures can be a great way to capture happiness in the now and create something lasting for the future. You don’t need a special occasion or big event to take a picture—sometimes the smallest moments carry the biggest joy.

Here are some ideas to help you start:

Take photos of everyday moments that make you smile. It could be a beautiful sunset, a fun day out with friends, or even a quiet moment of reflection.

Start a photo collection in your phone or a physical album. You don’t need to spend a lot of money—just pick a place where you can store your memories.

Create a memory box or scrapbook. You can collect photos, mementos, or even notes to yourself that remind you of the good things in your life.

You might be thinking, “But what if I don’t feel like I deserve happy memories?” To that, I’d say this: you deserve happiness, peace, and joy, no matter your past. Sometimes, starting small with one happy moment at a time is the best way to begin healing. Even if you only have a handful of memories right now, those are enough to build from. You can fill up your box, your photo album, your heart—one moment at a time.


Make This Moment Yours

Creating new memories doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, some of the most meaningful moments in life are the simple ones. Take time for yourself, whether that’s through self-care routines, finding a hobby that brings you peace, or just being with people who lift you up.

Think about how you can frame these moments—what would you want to see looking back a year from now? What moments, big or small, would bring you happiness and serve as a reminder of your worth?


Why This Matters for Your Mental Health

As we talk about legacy and vision statements, one thing I’ve learned is that focusing on positive memories can shift your focus toward hope, healing, and a brighter future. By actively creating moments that make you feel good, you begin to reshape the way you see yourself and the world around you. Over time, those memories can serve as reminders of your resilience and strength.

The journey may be hard, but you are capable of finding beauty in your life, even in the smallest moments. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone—there are always resources, people, and communities that can help you along the way.


To Wrap It Up: Start Creating Happy Memories Now

So here’s my challenge to you this month: find one small moment—whether it’s a picture, a thought, or a feeling—that brings you joy. Capture it. Cherish it. Keep it as a reminder that you are worth creating good memories for.

And if you’re not sure where to start, ask yourself this simple question: "What makes me smile today?" Whether it's a quiet cup of coffee, a walk in the park, or a moment of peace, those small things can make all the difference.

Happy birthday to me, and happy memories to all of you!

With love,
Founder, Sparrows of Hope